3rd quote in 3 day challenge


I am finally finishing the 3 quotes in 3 days challenge.  I wanted the last one to be upbeat and motivating.  The quote I went with came from the cover of this little notebook I purchased in the clearance aisle at a store in the mall, Charming Charlie.  I took a photo and attached to this post.  The quote is simple, sweet and to the point.




I thought this was the perfect quote to end the challenge for me.  Instead of doing 3 nominees for the challenge today I am going to do 5 just because I couldn’t get all the bloggers I wanted to include.  Actually, I think everyone should consider taking on the challenge.  The rules are simple and it’s fun to do.

The rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Pick 3 quotes and post each one for 3 days (which I didn’t stick to the 3 days)
  3. Nominate 3 bloggers for the challenge.  I say nominate how many you like.

The nominees for today:

  1. https://teacuptalk.wordpress.com
  2. https://thelonelyauthorblog.wordpress.com
  3. https://daisywillows.wordpress.com
  4. https://iamabloggertoo.wordpress.com
  5. https://theseeds4life.com

2016-03-01 12.46.22

Much love


About jenmotivates12

I am a very outgoing, loving, caring, motivated, mother, writer, and so much more. I started this blog to motivate and share my thoughts and writings. I also wanted to make awareness of health issues along with staying positive about health and other topics. I wanted to see if anyone would even read my posts and/or follow my blog. My second goal is to take this blog to the next level. I want to start a business and be a motivational speaker for any situation. I want to have sessions that can cater to businesses, single parents, team building, couples, divorces or widowed, teens, medical issues, I think you see what I'm saying. I want to write short books that can enlighten, empower, motivate, encourage, teach, and help. Basically, I want to make a difference in others lives and help people see how the impossible can become possible with enough hard work and dedication.

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