Tag Archives: sayings

Can this quote’s statement make the same impact WORLDWIDE?


I recently came across this quote/saying that I had saved a couple years ago and forgot about. Today I came across it cleaning out my photo albums on my iPad and felt this rush of emotions come over me. I knew instantly that I wanted to do a post about it. Then I realized that this ONE sentence impacted me to the point where I was speechless! 

I feel this quote/saying can be felt around the world in so many different ways and same ways. I think there is so much power behind these words! 

With that said, I ask all my followers,readers, and Blogger’s community to share your thoughts, insight, and feelings about this quote in the comment section below. I also want to ask, “Can this quote make the same impact worldwide?”

Much love 


This was no coincidence …..


I downloaded this application on my iPad the other day about staying positive. It includes multiple positive statements, motivational quotes, steps along with tips to develop positive thinking,and even methods on eliminating negative emotions. Plus it was free!

When I opened the app for the 1st time this evening, it had the following saying:

If you did bad in your past, let those past memories go, and realize you’re living in the present, which is shaping your future
