Tag Archives: friends

Happy Birthday 


Just want to touch base with everyone. I’ve been very busy and not been able to post much. I’ve had so many doctors appointments but they have all turned out good.

Today, February 3rd, is my birthday and I’m now 35 years old. Don’t mean to toot my own horn but this a big milestone for me. With all my health issues, some would say I’m lucky to be alive. I never thought I’d make it to this point but by the grace of God and changing my life around I am!

I am so thankful for this day. I’m thankful for all of my readers/followers/and blogger community, my family, my fiancé, friends, and doctors in my life. I was not looking forward to this milestone but realized how much I have in my life.


Written on 6/19/2005


Before I share this poem, I would like to share some insight to the meaning of it. This poem was written when I was going through my divorce with my sons father. This poem shows how divorce effects everyone around you.

I needed a place to hide away,
you know life’s a bitch so I don’t have to say.
You took me in your home with care, our
burdens we helped each other bare.
You also are welcome in my home,
never feel you have to be alone.
We still have a lot of laughs to go,
sometimes I may miss you, and
those times you will know.
Things are kind of strange for me,
trying not to step on toes.
Life has a way of coursing itself,
you never know where it goes.
Let’s keep each other close in our heart,
and whatever life brings,
we won’t have to part.

Had to do it!


My focus was taken from this blog and put my focus on my family, friends, my health, and enjoying the holidays with my family. I have posted a few pictures and later today, well you will just have to see.





The Friendship that makes Us! (10/8/2006, 1:04 am)


This is a poem a friend and I wrote together late one night. We were complete opposites on so many levels but the best of friends. I could always count on him no matter what the situation was, who it was, or where he might be. He always had my back and I his.

So many people have crossed our paths
Some stayed for all the good times and bad
Others are just a faint memory

They all had a place from friends, to many acquaintances and even some unwanted enemies

There was only one she considered true which was him and he put his trust in her

Now many years later not only has the friendship stayed but the bond has become untouchable
As time has passed they have overcome many obstacles only to succeed through the strength of each other

The future is approaching, while each stares with uncertainty
While he prepares for a journey unknown and she tackles her issues as they come

They both know in their hearts that the love they share is what has gotten them to here and will carry through the years ahead

By: Jennifer T. & Zack B.